Thank yous

Vestry Report for November 2022

The Vestry has been reflecting on quotes from John Phillip Newell’s text, Sacred Earth, Sacred Soul at each meeting this year. It has been a joy to start our meetings reflecting on his words. The quotes that were shared with us for the September and October meetings invite us to search and see the holy in each other as well as in nature. These reminders have been helpful as we continue to live in the liminal space that is this season of “next normal.” There is a bit of trepidation as we wonder what is around the corner and how to best love our neighbors, but as Newell so gently reminds us, “There is hope. And it is a hope based on our deepest knowing, that every human being is sacred, body and soul.” It’s that hope the Vestry carries as we keep working to identify and meet the needs of our church community.

Read the Vestry’s entire report by clicking “Read More.”