Episcopal Links — St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

Episcopal Links

The Diocese of Oregon >

We belong to the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon, which covers the Western part of the state of Oregon.

The Episcopal Church >

The Diocese of Oregon is a part of The Episcopal Church, which has 100 Dioceses in the United States plus several Dioceses in other countries, including Haiti, Taiwan, Central America, and Europe.

Province VIII >

The Episcopal Church is broken into nine provinces; the Diocese of Oregon belongs to Province VIII.

The Anglican Communion >

The Episcopal Church is a member of the Anglican Communion, which has more than 80 million members in 44 regional and national member churches around the globe in more than 160 countries.

The Episcopal Campus Ministry >

We sponsor and oversee the Episcopal Campus Ministry, which serves the higher education communities in Eugene.

The Book of Common Prayer >

One of the distinctive aspects of The Episcopal/Anglican tradition is the Book of Common Prayer (BCP). You can find the online version of the current 1979 version here.

The Lectionary Page >

Here you will find a liturgical calendar with links to lessons, collects, psalm, and Gospel for every Sunday and feast day.

The Daily Office >

Daily Prayers from the Book of Common Prayer

Online Bible (New Revised Standard Version) >

St. Mary’s and most Episcopal Churches use the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible for worship.