Holy Week & Easter

Join us as we journey through Holy Week and Easter

Palm Sunday - March 24

8:00 AM   Blessing of the Palms, Passion Gospel, and Holy Eucharist.

9:30 AM   Blessing of the Palms, Passion Gospel, and Holy Eucharist. The 9:30 AM service begins with a congregational procession around the church, starting in the narthex. Children and youth are invited to help lead the procession with instruments and palms. Arrive by 9:20 AM to help lead. The service includes a dramatic reading of the Passion Gospel. Following the service we will have coffee hour and an all-ages Paschal candle making activity up in Berktold Hall.

11:00 AM  Blessing of the Palms, Passion Gospel, and Holy Eucharist. The 11 AM service includes a setting of the Passion according to Saint Mark, sung by the Liturgical Choir. This service is livestreamed on the main page of our website.

1:30 PM  Liturgia de las Palmas, La Eucaristía, y Evangelio de la Pasión

Stations of the Cross

Tuesday, March 26 at 6:30 PM

Explore an ancient tradition as we walk the Stations of the Cross.  There will be readings, prayers, and music to engage us in Christ’s final steps. 

Maundy Thursday - March 28

5:30 PM Maundy Thursday for Children and Families, Followed by Dinner

Join us as we explore Jesus’ last night with his disciples. This simplified service is designed with a particular focus on children, however everyone is welcome. Sign up for the dinner, so we know how much to prepare.

 7:30 PM Holy Eucharist, Foot-washing, Stripping of the Altar

This is a busy night. We move from places of warmth and service, of washing feet, calls to love, and Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, to anguish in the garden, betrayal, and desolation. In the distance we begin to hear the sounds of crucifixion. The 7:30 PM Maundy Thursday service will be livestreamed.

8:30 PM Thursday until Noon of Good Friday Altar of Repose Vigil

A vigil is kept at the Altar of Repose from the close of Maundy Thursday services to the beginning of the Mass of the Pre-sanctified Eucharist. At least two people are needed for each hour of the vigil. One person is a “Watch” at the Altar of Repose and the other is a “Guard” by the alley door. The sign up chart is in the narthex. Or sign up online at https://signup.com/go/Zcynnyp

Good Friday - March 29

Noon Mass of the Pre-sanctified Eucharist

Take this time to go to the cross with Jesus in scripture, prayer, and music. Holy Communion blessed at the Maundy Thursday Eucharist (pre-sanctified) is distributed.

Holy Saturday - March 30

8:00 PM    Easter Vigil & Solemn High Eucharist, Rite II 

The Easter Vigil service includes the Lighting of the Paschal Candle, the Exsultet, and the Great Vigil. Note: the service will include the use of incense.

Alleluia!  Christ is Risen.

The Lord is Risen indeed. Alleluia!


Easter/El Día de Pascua - March 31

8:00 AM    Holy Eucharist Rite I

9:30 AM Holy Eucharist and Flowering of the Cross by the Children and Youth. Music for this service will include a brass quartet. Children’s Easter Egg Hunts (by age group) will follow the service. Bring a basket for your children to fill with Easter eggs!

11:00 AM Solemn High Eucharist Rite II includes the fuller ceremonial practices of the church, including the use of incense. Music by the Liturgical Choir. This service is livestreamed on the main page of the website.

1:30 PM Santa Eucaristía

Stations of the Cross/Way of the Cross

If you can’t join us in person for Stations of the Cross on Tuesday, you can watch this video anytime.

A digital version of the Way of the Cross/Stations of the Cross from St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Eugene, Oregon.