Brave and Bold Biblical Women and What They Teach Us — St. Mary’s Episcopal Church

Brave and Bold Biblical Women and What They Teach Us

St. Mary’s Women’s Retreat—Spring 2023

Brave and Bold Biblical Women and What They Teach Us

Saturday, June 3, 10 AM to 3 PM

(Gather as early at 9:30 AM; Optional no-host dinner follows at the Public House in Springfield)

Eugene Yacht Club, Fern Ridge Reservoir

Sign up with the button at the bottom of the page. (Please note: The mobile version of the link omits much of the details we have included here.)

Finally, after too long a time, we can gather together for a day of fellowship and spiritual learning. Our retreat leader, the Rev. Canon Neysa Ellgren Shepley, will lead us through meditations as we get to know three Brave and Bold Biblical Women and What They Teach Us. Small group conversations, sharing, worship, and lunch will provide us with opportunity for inward growth and time to get to know each other. Arrive as early as 9:30 for breakfast pastries, coffee, and tea. We will enjoy a lunch of sandwiches and salads.

We recommend meeting friends and driving together. If you need a ride, or are willing to offer a ride, contact Nancy Crawford at

There will be an optional no-host dinner at the Public House in Springfield, with a chance to continue the conversation with each other and Neysa.

Registration Deadline is Sunday, May 28.

St. Mary’s Women’s Ministry is for all who identify as women.

About our retreat leader: Neysa recently retired after serving 11 years as Canon to the Ordinary of the Episcopal Diocese of Oregon.  In this position, she collaborated with congregations, managed clergy transitions, and supervised diocesan staff.  She also worked with many boards, councils, commissions and committees of the Episcopal Church. Over the years she has been keynote speaker at the diocesan ECW Spirituality Days, and she is a favorite among the women of Oregon.

Neysa is married to Bruce Shepley, an attorney in the Portland area.  They have six sons between them ranging in age from 29-38 and two granddaughters.  Neysa is an enthusiastic singer, hiker, theater buff, and reader of good books.  She is excited to lead this wonderful women’s retreat with St. Mary’s, and we are excited to have her join us on June 3rd.