Education for Ministry (EfM)

Education for Ministry (EfM)

If you enjoyed or were intrigued by Dr. Elizabeth Schrader Polczer’s presentation on Mary Magdalene last Sunday, please read this article about EfM.

EfM, Education for Ministry, is a college level, adult-learner course designed to increase the lay person’s knowledge of the Bible, the history of the Christian church, and the history of the Episcopal church in particular. It is held in a seminar format, with groups ranging from 6-12 people. The first year is a study of the Old Testament—it’s history and the environment in which it was written. Some of what the course entails is a look at the ancient sources of the Bible. The second year is devoted to a study of the New Testament, again looking at the history of its writing and the environment from which it came. The third year looks at the whole history of the Christian church (The name of the text is The First 3000 years of Christianity). The fourth year concentrates on the history and development of the Episcopal Church and dives into a look at some of the other faith traditions around the world.

The seminar meets weekly for 2 1/12 hours. The hours are adjusted to the participants’ needs, but right now there are 2 groups meeting, one on Sunday afternoon and the other on Wednesday afternoon. There are weekly reading and reflection assignments. No tests or grades are given. This is an adult learning situation.

The mentors for the groups are Deacon Lauri Watkins from Resurrection and Deacon Mike Watkins from St. Thomas. Co-mentors are Deacon Nancy Crawford from St Mary’s and Don Lauffer from Resurrection. People of any faith are invited to join the group. People who are just beginning in the church or who have been active for many years will increase their knowledge and enjoy the seminar atmosphere.

The class is designed and implemented by University of the South, in Sewannee, Tennessee, and Episcopal university and seminary. As such, the tuition is set by them. Scholarships are limited, but available. Students purchase their own texts, but used texts from other students are usually available. More information on fees and textbooks is available on the website and from the mentors.

If you are at all intrigued, please contact Deacon Lauri or Deacon Nancy for more information. Fr Bingham and Fr Ryan are also good sources of information. There is a website to peruse, including information on the materials used. education-for-ministry

We are starting to register people now and will begin class in early September, so think and pray about how this might work well for you. It is a valuable, enriching experience, with group members becoming very close. The church itself is strengthened by knowledgeable members.