News from the Vestry: A Staffing Update

Dear Friends in Christ,

Throughout the pandemic, the Vestry has been constantly considering how we adapt right now and to what is coming up next, one eye on the present and one eye on the future. One aspect we have regularly been examining is personnel. During this time, in conjunction with the Personnel Committee, the Vestry has been looking at what staffing has needed to look like and what it needs to look like over the coming months and even years. The future is full of uncertainties, but as we look to this past year and look toward the possibilities moving forward, we know that there are many challenges on the path. It has become clear to the Personnel Committee and the Vestry that additional staffing will be necessary to navigate this next leg in the journey.

With that in mind, we are pleased to announce that the Vestry will hire the Reverend Ryan Baker-Fones as curate for the coming two years. We anticipate Ryan starting this work in the middle of June. Ryan brings many gifts, not the least of which is that he already knows us and we know him. Ryan served as our intern for two years while in seminary, an experience that will help him start engaging in ministry with us more quickly. In collaboration with the rector, staff, lay leaders, and other parishioners, Ryan’s work will help St. Mary’s navigate through this time.

A curacy is not only about the ministry that the priest provides the parish, but it is an intentional time to learn the craft of priesthood. Rather than giving Ryan a section of ministry to take for the next two years, Ryan will be rotating through different aspects of ministry, ensuring that he spends time in worship, outreach, pastoral care, fellowship, education, and administration to help him lay the foundation he will need to become a rector.

We have asked Ryan to write a brief note to share with you:

I am so excited for this new opportunity to grow and learn with you at St. Mary’s as your curate! My internship time with you was rich and meaningful and I’m certain that my priestly formation will be the same. I’m really looking forward to growing into my new role as priest, joining in worship, preaching and teaching, pastoral care and administering the sacraments at St Mary’s. In conjunction with Fr. Bingham and the staff, I will help to support St. Mary’s as we transition through this pandemic and beyond, into the future of St. Mary’s. These are exciting times and I am blessed to accompany you on this journey. Alleluia, Christ is risen!

Your new curate,


This position is an additional expense beyond what we have in the budget. We will need to raise the funds to do this. We will be raising the money in a series of fundraisers over the next two years. Our pledge drive theme last year was Forward in Faith Together. We are taking a step forward in faith by committing to this course of action without all of the money in hand. However, over the past several months, we have been consulting with a cross-section of parishioners and are confident that the support is there. We are pleased that we already have the first three months of Ryan’s curacy funded. The first fundraising effort to support Ryan’s curacy will be Giving Day on May 16th. More information about Giving Day will be coming soon and we encourage your generous support as you are able.

It is a gift to serve with you in ministry at St. Mary’s and we look forward to welcoming Ryan to the team.

Faithfully yours,

Bingham Powell, Rector, and Carolyn Gates, Sr. Warden