Observing a Holy Lent
The forty days of Lent are modeled on the Jesus’ 40 days in the desert, preparing himself for ministry. We take these 40 days to prepare ourselves for the central moment of our faith: Easter. Early in the life of the Church, Christians would set aside this time before Easter to prepare themselves with acts of fasting, charity, prayer, and study.
Lent is a time to intentionally draw closer to God. We invite you do that through spiritual practices of “giving up” and “taking on.” Some people might give up sweets or watching TV. Others might take on reading a spiritual book or praying Compline.
We give something up to make room for God;
we take something on to invite God in.
Some Questions You Might Ask Yourself:
When I wake up on Easter morning, how will I be different?
Is there a habit or sin in my life that repeatedly gets in the way of loving God with my whole heart or loving my neighbor as myself? How do I address that habit over the next 40 days?
Is there anyone in my life from whom I need to ask forgiveness or pursue reconciliation?
What practical steps can I take to carve out time for daily contemplation?
What spiritual discipline do I need to improve upon or want to try?
What are some things in my life that I tell myself I need but I don’t? Can I give one or two of them up for 40 days?
Why am I giving this particular thing up? How does giving it up draw me closer to God and prepare me for Easter?
What am I going to tell myself when self-denial gets hard?
Is it helpful for me to share my discipline with others or should I keep it private?
adapted from Rachel Held Evans “40 Ideas for Lent (2012)”
“Giving Up” Ideas for Lent
A screen fast - Maybe you decide to turn off all screens at 8 p.m. Maybe it’s just your phone.
Negative Self Talk
Clean your house of 40 things you do not need.
Getting Take-Out or Eating at Restaurants
Sibling Arguments
“Taking On” Ideas for Lent
Adding intentional silence to your day
Attending an Ash Wednesday service
Attending one church service a week
Praying Compline every night (or picking one night a week to do it.)
Participate in Lent Madness and get to know this year’s saints.
Create a home altar for prayer and reflection.
Volunteer at the Saturday Breakfast
Get out in nature
Help someone without being asked