Lent 2025

Articles about Lent

If you are unfamiliar with the Season of Lent or could simply use some help thinking about a Lenten discipline, click the button below for an article about Lent and ways to think about “Giving Up” and “Taking On” habits and things for the 40 days of Lent.

Read the Rev. Bingham Powell’s Rector’s Closing Thoughts article from our 2025 Lent Bellringer by clicking the button below.

Read an older article from Bingham+ on his reflections on the season of Lent

Lenten Adult Education Opportunities

Lenten Adult Education Class

Thursdays - March 13 and 20 & April 3 and 10 - from 7 to 8:30 p.m. “This is my body,” Jesus said as he broke bread with his friends on the night before his death. His body bore the agony of Gethsemane and suffered on the cross. On the third day, his disciples encountered him in his resurrected body. As we prepare for Holy Week and Easter, we will reflect together on the significance of the body - Christ’s and our own - through scripture and the insights of various theologians. Deepen your appreciation of Holy Week, Easter, and the embodied nature of our faith. Please join us. RSVP to Bingham at bingham@saint-marys.org

Praying with Icons

Lenten Program and Worship 

Saturday, March 22nd, 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Sanctuary

Featuring Laurie Muench, Iconography Instructor at Mount Angel Monastery and St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, McMinnville; Alan Muench, organist; and Lyn Tupper, cantor

Laurie will introduce us to icons and the historical development of icon imagery through the ages. We will explore the ancient technique used to create icons, and the use of shape, color, and perspective to portray symbolic meaning. We will learn various ways to incorporate icons into our prayer life.

We will conclude with The Seven Sorrows of Mary, a contemplative worship service of lessons, meditation, and music. 

ALL ARE WELCOME. Bring friends and neighbors. Click the button below to register. Fee will be $10.00, or a sliding scale.

2025 Lent Bellringer

Our 2025 Lent Bellringer can be found on our newsletters page.


Join us for Compline. Carve out 10 minutes for yourself this evening, find a quiet spot, and tune in to this evening service of prayer and reflection.

A Compline service for St Mary’s Episcopal Church, Eugene, Oregon, for Lent.

The Way of the Cross

A digital version of the Way of the Cross/Stations of the Cross from our sanctuary. Watch and pray anytime this Lenten season.

A digital version of the Way of the Cross/Stations of the Cross from St. Mary's Episcopal Church, Eugene, Oregon.