
So That We Might Have Hope

What Paul reminds us of today is that these stories, and our traditions at this dreary and cold time of the year, are meant as lights for us, guiding, encouraging, reminding us of what is to come, offering hope. The coming of God into our world in the form of a human baby, the Creator of the Universe incarnate, dwelling here among us, as one of us, has ENORMOUS and everlasting implications.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

God's Promise

Today’s gospel story of two women coming together in their expectancy, of John the Baptist’s mighty in-utero kick at the sound of Mary’s voice, of the Holy Spirit filling Elizabeth inspiring her prophesy, is an amazing tale of two women realizing how God is at work in their lives. In this meeting, the older, much older Elizabeth finds herself in the same pregnant state as the younger, much younger, Mary. They are both, through miraculous means, pregnant. What could, what does this mean?

Listen to or read the Rev. Ryan Baker Fones’ entire sermon for the 4th Sunday of Advent by clicking “Read More.”

Preparing the Way

As the Gospels tell it, John and Jesus were second cousins, with Jesus being six months younger than John. The son of older parents who hadn’t expected to have a child by the time he came along, John was evidently a man who spent a great deal of time in the wilderness. Consequently at whatever point he felt called to become a forerunner of someone coming later, he didn’t go into the cities to urge people to repent and be baptized, but rather stayed in the wilderness in the region around the Jordan and let people come to him.

Listen to or read Sharon’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More”

The Advent of Love

Our second reading today come from Paul's Second Letter to the Thessalonians and in it he says, "How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you? Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you face to face." These words from Paul strike a different chord nearly two years into this pandemic. This chord resonates more profoundly than ever before.

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the 1st Sunday of Advent by clicking “Read More.”