John the Baptist

Pregnant Singing Women

What a great story we have in today’s gospel on the last Sunday of Advent. We are close, SO close to Christmas, but we’re not quite there yet, just a bit more time, just a bit more waiting. Time for us to hear and wonder about two pregnant women, a young woman, Mary, and a much older woman, Elizabeth. Yes, today’s sermon is all about two pregnant, singing women.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Pebbles of Hope

“You don’t need to become a vegetarian lion, but start doing things to make the world a little bit safer in whatever spheres you live in. Try to make the world a little kinder in whatever spheres you live in. Try to make the world a little more loving in whatever spheres you live in.”

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Embracing Joy this Advent

What brings you joy? Is there a hobby you like to do, maybe baking or cooking or eating? Perhaps watching movies or TV shows, listening to music or making music? What brings you joy? Time with family and friends? Getting presents? Giving presents? Decorating the house for the holidays? What brings you joy?

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon on joy by clicking “Read More.”

Change your hearts and lives, heaven is here!

Guess who’s back? John the Baptist, AGAIN! When Jesus hears about his cousin’s arrest, he goes to Galilee. He leaves his home in Nazareth and sets up in Capernaum, by the sea. He calls some of his first disciples, Andrew, Peter, James and Jon, and he launches his public ministry. Remember when his mom wanted him to help with the wedding feast in Cana and he told her it wasn’t his time? Now, it’s his time. And from this point he begins changing his world in ways that are still resonating today. The first message of Jesus’ public ministry is: “Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven has come near.” (Matt 4: 17)

To read Ryan’s entire sermon, click “Read More.”

John the Baptist: The Trustworthy Witness

In today’s Gospel reading we heard a story that included John the Baptist. We have been hearing a lot about John the Baptist recently. He showed up on two separate Sundays in December, and this is the second Sunday he has showed up in January. So, who is this John the Baptist we have been hearing so much about?

To read Bingham’s full sermon, click “Read More.”

Rejoice in the Lord Always

Rejoice in the Lord always! Again, I say, rejoice! We rejoice, as our collect says, in the bountiful grace and mercy with which our God comes among us to speedily help us and deliver us. And we rejoice in the powerful imagery of restoration provided by the prophet Isaiah.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”