
Pebbles of Hope

“You don’t need to become a vegetarian lion, but start doing things to make the world a little bit safer in whatever spheres you live in. Try to make the world a little kinder in whatever spheres you live in. Try to make the world a little more loving in whatever spheres you live in.”

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Gentle Power

Comfort, O comfort my people. YES please! What a time, what a need for comfort we all have in our world today. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, the prophet Isaiah says. Speak tenderly to these United States and to this world we live in as we approach the new year, two thousand twenty-four. Cry to her that her time of suffering, pain, and violence have been served, the penalty paid, enough. Enough bad news, devastation and despair. We’ve already had a double portion. Into this darkness and pain a voice cries out:

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Finding Our Story in God's Story

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the third Sunday after Epiphany by clicking “read more.”

Our first reading today comes from the Book of Nehemiah. We do not hear much from the Book of Nehemiah in the three year Sunday lectionary. I'm pretty sure, although I did not double check this, that this is the only Sunday we get a reading from Nehemiah in the lectionary. I could be wrong about that, but I'm not far off. This is a very rare book for us to read.

The Surprising Vision of God

“Our first reading today comes from the Book of Ezekiel. You probably know Ezekiel best from the story of the dry bones, that great vision that Ezekiel had of the valley full of bones, when the bones came back together bone to its bone, and muscle and sinew and flesh came upon them and the spirit of God gave them life. It was a vision of new life, a vision of resurrection, a beautiful vision of restored life for a people living in what felt like death.”

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bingham’s entire sermon for the 3rd Sunday of Pentecost