
Keep the Party Going

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the Second Sunday after Epiphany by clicking “Read More.”

In today's reading, the sign at the wedding at Cana of Galilee, by lifting up the miracle that allows the party to continue, we see that God cares about our joy, about pleasure, about fun. All too often we think about religion as serious business. It is, but one of the things that God seriously cares about is joy.

Called by Name

I’ve learned the names of thousands of students over my 22 years of teaching. There’s something very powerful about being able to call someone by their name, to recognize them. As a teacher, this was crucial, especially to know who to “call out” for behavior that was not appropriate, to know who was or wasn’t present or sitting in their assigned seat, to be able to talk to colleagues about students who needed help, to greet students by name in the halls, at lunch, at athletics, performances, or other events. To know someone’s name is a powerful thing, to recognize them, to see them and to acknowledge them.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

At the Threshold

We are at the threshold of a new year, at the beginning of something new. We also sense that we are at the threshold of a new world. It’s not just a new year, it’s a new era. And we are filled with trepidation.

The story of the epiphany is a threshold story. King Herod hears that the wise ones from the East have seen a new star rising, the star of the Messiah. Herod hears this and he is frightened, he is greatly disturbed, and all of Jerusalem with him. And we know from history, that when Herod was disturbed, he was dangerous. He killed all the innocents in an attempt to kill Jesus.

Listen to or read Christine’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

The Closeness of God

In Jesus, we learn what God is thinking. As we remember Jesus's story, we remember that God cares about justice, and God cares about mercy and compassion, and God cares about grace. We learned that God isn't just interested with the rich and the powerful, but God is close to those that we sinfully dispose of and push to the margins. God cares about them and God gets close to them.

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the Sunday after Christmas by clicking “Read More.”

A Perfectly Imperfect Christmas

Merry Christmas! Our Advent journey has come to its end. We have arrived in Bethlehem with Mary and Joseph to welcome the birth of their son Jesus. Like the Shepherds, we have come to the manger to see this thing that has taken place. Whatever preparations we need to get done during Advent in order to celebrate Christmas--time's up. It's here. What has been done has been done, what has not been done has not been done. It's time to let it all go and simply savor this moment.

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for Christmas Eve 2021 by clicking “Read More.”

God's Promise

Today’s gospel story of two women coming together in their expectancy, of John the Baptist’s mighty in-utero kick at the sound of Mary’s voice, of the Holy Spirit filling Elizabeth inspiring her prophesy, is an amazing tale of two women realizing how God is at work in their lives. In this meeting, the older, much older Elizabeth finds herself in the same pregnant state as the younger, much younger, Mary. They are both, through miraculous means, pregnant. What could, what does this mean?

Listen to or read the Rev. Ryan Baker Fones’ entire sermon for the 4th Sunday of Advent by clicking “Read More.”