An Update on Reopening

Dear Friends in Christ,

This week, the Governor rescinded nearly all legal requirements for capacity limits, physical distancing, and masking. In light of the Governor’s new order, I want to share with you the changes we will be making for our ministry groups, community groups, and for our worship services.

We are in what may be the trickiest part of COVID to navigate. Although we all long for COVID to be fully over, there is great difference of opinion on how close we are to that point. Some of you have expressed to me joy that the state has removed nearly all legal safety requirements and you are ready for St. Mary’s to remove all restrictions. Some of you have expressed concern that it is still too soon. Navigating that difference as a community will not be easy. I ask you to have grace with you fellow parishioners who think about these matters differently and to trust that they are acting in good faith.

We know that the approved vaccines are extremely effective for nearly everyone. The efficacy surpasses the expectations that many medical professionals were preparing us for last year when these vaccines were in development. Although there are breakthrough cases, they are rare. Additionally, when breakthrough cases happen, they are usually less dangerous. This is proving true even with all of the variants so far. For groups of completely vaccinated people, there is no doubt at this point that gathering without any of the COVID restrictions is very safe. Maybe a little bit less safe, but it is still quite safe for most vaccinated people to gather in groups that include unvaccinated people. The story of COVID in America has turned into a tale of two pandemics. For nearly everyone vaccinated, the pandemic is virtually over. For those unvaccinated or those for whom the vaccine does not work as well, the pandemic continues.

Although it is tempting to say that the unvaccinated are simply making the choice and they can face the consequences, there are three groups of people for who that is not the case. The first group is people who are medically encouraged to not get the vaccine. It is my understanding that the main group here are people with certain severe allergies. The second group is people for whom the vaccine is not as effective, such as people who take certain immune-suppressant medications like organ transplant recipients. The final group are children under the age of 12. They are not yet eligible for the vaccine. It is anticipated that at least one drug maker will request approval for children in September.

As a church, we are a community that includes people who fall into all three of these categories. We need to make space to keep them safe. We are also a community in which most adults are vaccinated. We need to create a space for them to return to some more semblance of normalcy. One of the gifts of St. Mary’s is that we are not a community that needs to all gather together in the same space, at the same time together. We are used to five worship services every weekend with each having its own unique style. Creating options with various degrees of caution is the best path forward for us.

Ministry Gatherings and Community Groups

• Each church meeting or community group using our building can now decide whether they will require masks for their gathering. However, if that gathering is in the church building, we ask that everyone attending wear a mask when entering and leaving the building and in common spaces (hallways and bathrooms). Windows need to be opened in the room you are gathering in for improved ventilation during in-person gatherings. If a gathering is mask optional, we highly encourage you to wear a mask if you are not vaccinated, if not for yourself, then for the sake of others. If your group holds in-person gatherings, I encourage you to find ways to include those who are not yet ready to return to activities in person.

Worship Services

• The video service, Sunday Zoom Spanish service, and Circle Service e-mail all continue, as do the midweek Zoom services.

• For in-person services, we are going to remove registration requirements and capacity limits. Just show up and join us. If it is an outdoor service and you need a chair, a prayerbook, or a gluten-free wafer for Communion, please e-mail Lana at to request those items.

• For our worship service at the park on July 11th, we know that being outside is significantly safer for everyone. Very few COVID cases have been linked back to outdoor gatherings. During our worship service, for optimal safety, we will have a section in which masking with physical distancing will be required, and a section in which masking and physical distancing will be optional.

• We will keep previously announced restrictions in place for this Sunday July 4th, but starting July 18th, vaccinated individuals who would like to remove their masks to worship may do so at the 8am service in the main church. You certainly can continue to wear your mask for greater safety. Please do wear your mask when you enter the building or use the bathroom; you may remove your mask once you are in the nave. You may exchange the Peace as you feel comfortable doing so. Communion will remain in one kind for the time being, but you can kneel at the altar rail side-by-side again. A standing station that allows for more physical distance will be available for those that would prefer it. We request that you continue to wear a mask if you are not vaccinated, but will not be asking you to prove your vaccination status.

• We will continue to require masks and physical distancing at the 10 am service in Berktold Hall with all of the windows open for maximum ventilation. As has been our practice for several weeks, vaccinated worship leaders will continue remove their masks when speaking.

• We are working on returning to our full schedule of services. Anticipate more services coming soon. I expect there being at least one mask required service until children are eligible for the vaccine and have had sufficient time to receive it. We are still working on figuring out Coffee Hour.


• The water fountains have been turned back on.

• Bathrooms are fully available for your use.

• The locks have been changed back, so if you had a key that used to let you in the building, it will work again.

• We continue to work on ventilation improvements. We are waiting on bids from HVAC contractors. We hope to begin fundraising soon.

• The staff is not fully back in person at full office hours, but we are working from here more and the office will be open to the public for a few hours several days per week.

As has been the case from the beginning, this remains a dynamic situation, we will continue to adjust our plans in the weeks ahead. Please keep an eye out for more.

I look forward to seeing you in person or online soon.

Blessings and Peace,
