
An Update on Reopening

Dear Friends in Christ,

This week, the Governor rescinded nearly all legal requirements for capacity limits, physical distancing, and masking. In light of the Governor’s new order, I want to share with you the changes we will be making for our ministry groups, community groups, and for our worship services.

We are in what may be the trickiest part of COVID to navigate. Although we all long for COVID to be fully over, there is great difference of opinion on how close we are to that point. Some of you have expressed to me joy that the state has removed nearly all legal safety requirements and you are ready for St. Mary’s to remove all restrictions. Some of you have expressed concern that it is still too soon. Navigating that difference as a community will not be easy. I ask you to have grace with you fellow parishioners who think about these matters differently and to trust that they are acting in good faith.

Click “Read More” to read all about our most recent adjustments as we reopen more fully.

On Reopening

Dear friends in Christ,

We look forward to welcoming you back to worship together in person!

We know that some are past ready and some are not quite ready. I encourage you to have grace for your fellow parishioners as we navigate this time.

Please click “Read More” to read Bingham’s entire letter to the parish on reopening.