Campus Ministry

Episcopal Campus Ministry 2020 in Review

I began as interim chaplain in December of 2019. From January to March I worked to get to know the students, the house, and The Student Food Pantry. At the start of the year we had four student residents, Tatiana, Colman, Jepry, and Leslie. On Thursdays I invited local parishioners and Episcopal Campus Ministry (ECM) Board member to prepare meals and share in fellowship with the students and I invited local clergy to celebrate the Eucharist. This was a great way for us to connect with our local Episcopal Churches and to hear from different parishioners and priests about their faith journeys. For the Student Food Pantry, there was lots of hands-on learning and new connections to be made as I took on Chaplain Doug’s role of oversight. And then COVID-19 arrived.

Episcopal Campus Ministry

Since the 1980s, college students have had the opportunity to live in community at the Episcopal Campus Ministry House on E. 19th just south of the University of Oregon.

Over the years, a wide variety of students have lived at ECM House.Students from many parts of Oregon, the United States and from around the world have lived there.The religious affiliation of students has not only included Episcopalians, but also Catholics and members of other denominations. Each year is a new adventure, where people from a variety of backgrounds learn to live together.