
Come to the Table!

In today’s Gospel we pick up right where we left off last Sunday. It’s the next day and the crowd of thousands who had been fed with five loaves and two fish, are looking for Jesus. They know there was only one boat and they didn’t see him get into it. How did he get to the other side? Jesus, in typical fashion, answers their wondering with more food for reflection.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Sitting Under Trees We Didn't Plant

We all sit under trees we didn’t plant. We all drink from wells that other people dug. It was the faithful Christian Episcopalians in Salem who provided the structure so that as I grew up I would learn and have my faith strengthened. It is thanks to the giving and work and faithfulness of previous members of St. Mary’s going back 170 years that there is a structure here for a faithful community to strengthen my faith, and uphold and support me, Dorothy, our children and our grandchildren in their faith. For all of that I am most grateful.