
Love: Foundation and Cornerstone of Our Faith

I don’t know about you, but it feels like love is in short supply these days. Two years of a pandemic made us all grumpier, a little shorter with each other, it’s harder to pull that love together. We realize this was going on before the pandemic. If you read history, you know it has always been this way. Love has always been in short supply, even among those of us who profess to follow a God who is love

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the Third Sunday after Pentecost by clicking “Read More.”

A Life of Prayer and A Life of Action

Before we can talk about today's Gospel reading from the 21st Chapter of John, we need to step back for a moment and look at Chapter 20. More specifically, we need to go back to Easter Sunday morning when we heard the story of Mary Magdalen on the very first Easter Day while it was still dark, going down to the tomb and finding the tomb empty. The body was not there. She was confused, and so ran off to get Simon Peter and the beloved Disciple.

At this point John includes the strangest detail that I can't get out of my mind. It says that Simon Peter and the beloved Disciple had a foot race. Now, we live in Track Town USA, it's marathon Sunday, so we can understand why they would want to have a foot race in that moment. Why not? But why include the detail in the telling of the story all those years later?

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter by clicking “Read More.”

4 Easter: The New Commandment: Love

4 Easter:  The New Commandment:  Love

These folks that 1st John is concerned about may have been using the word love, but it does not mean what they seem to think it means. Nothing in how they live their lives actually embodies that love. They hoard their belongings, they seek security over relationship, they refuse to help. In that old adage, “actions speak louder than words, “ 1st John encouraged the people to whom he was writing to love fully and truly. Little children, let us love, not in word or speech, but in truth and action.