
Called to Serve

We are called to follow Jesus’ example of servanthood. How do we do that here at St. Mary’s? We do it both subtly and overtly. We serve each other through maintaining our connections, knitting ourselves together in love. In love and care for one another, we serve. As simple as a call, an e-mail, text, a cup of coffee or tea, a walk, a hike, a few hundred stitches together on Wednesday morning as the quilt grows smaller and smaller on the frame. We do it through our many ministries of serving others in emulation of Jesus’ life and works of mercy, feeding, healing, dignifying those on the margins of society. Our Saturday Breakfast is legendary in the community and during this pandemic its tireless volunteers have not wavered even though they’ve been forced to change when, where and how they serve food, they continue to bring God’s love through feeding the hungry in our neighborhoods.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon for the 21st Sunday after Pentecost by clicking “Read More.”