
The Holy Spirit still comes

Happy Pentecost! Today is the Feast of Pentecost, one of the three most important days of the Church Year. You have Christmas, you have Easter, and you have Pentecost, the Holy Trinity of Feast days. Pentecost is as important as the first two, although it doesn't quite get the celebration that they do, but for the Church it is just as important. Today is the day we often call "the birthday of the Church."

What do we mean by that?

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bingham’s entire sermon for the Day of Pentecost.

Ascending with Christ: Healing and Wholeness

“In one sense this seems like a throw away story. Why does it matter how they organized themselves when that organization would soon change? I think there is something deeper going on in this story. In selecting the replacement for Judas, no matter how short lived it would be, they were trying to repair that which was broken among them. Before the Holy Spirit can come down and empower them to do the work that God wants done, they need repair, healing, wholeness.”

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bingham’s entire sermon for the 7th Sunday after Easter.

Do You Have Anything to Eat?

Jesus opened their minds to understand the scriptures, says the gospel. Don’t you wish you were there? Don't you wish he was here, now, to open our minds to understand the scriptures? The bible, so central to our faith and worship, has been used to promote colonialism, genocide and war, racism, slavery and sexism, greed and hatred and disregard for the creation itself. Some find within it no redemption, and turn away. But we, guided by the Holy Spirit, and made one with the post-Easter Christ, find within it freedom and justice, truth and equality, and a world ruled by sacrificial love. We will either regard the Bible as some old relic or as the most precious pertinent thing in the world.

Click Read More to read or listen to Ted’s entire sermon for the 3rd Sunday of Easter.

A Sermon for the 2nd Sunday of Easter

I want to give Thomas, the Doubter, a break this morning. Instead, I want to talk about Jesus’ words to the disciples, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bishop Diana Akiyama’s entire sermon for the 2nd Sunday of Easter.