
A Community of Love

Whatever metaphor you want to use for the Church, for example, the Church is like the solar system and the star we orbit around is love. Or the Church is a building being constructed and the plumb line of our life is love. Or you can say that we are a symphony and the tuning note of the orchestra is love. We are meant to focus on love. We can disagree on all the other stuff; we can work through it, but love is the center. That is what we are tying to do today in this community. We are tying to be that community of love.

To listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the Fifth Sunday of Easter, click “Read More.”

Calling Us By Name

Grant that when we hear God’s voice, we may know who's calling us, and then follow. Like animals who know their caregivers, or children who know their parents’ voices, like siblings, friends, or lovers who instantly turn at the sound of their names and the unique voices of those speaking, Jesus lovingly and longingly calls out our names, beckoning us into relationship with God.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon for the Fourth Sunday of Easter by clicking “Read More.”

A Life of Prayer and A Life of Action

Before we can talk about today's Gospel reading from the 21st Chapter of John, we need to step back for a moment and look at Chapter 20. More specifically, we need to go back to Easter Sunday morning when we heard the story of Mary Magdalen on the very first Easter Day while it was still dark, going down to the tomb and finding the tomb empty. The body was not there. She was confused, and so ran off to get Simon Peter and the beloved Disciple.

At this point John includes the strangest detail that I can't get out of my mind. It says that Simon Peter and the beloved Disciple had a foot race. Now, we live in Track Town USA, it's marathon Sunday, so we can understand why they would want to have a foot race in that moment. Why not? But why include the detail in the telling of the story all those years later?

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon for the Third Sunday of Easter by clicking “Read More.”

Ascending with Christ: Healing and Wholeness

“In one sense this seems like a throw away story. Why does it matter how they organized themselves when that organization would soon change? I think there is something deeper going on in this story. In selecting the replacement for Judas, no matter how short lived it would be, they were trying to repair that which was broken among them. Before the Holy Spirit can come down and empower them to do the work that God wants done, they need repair, healing, wholeness.”

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bingham’s entire sermon for the 7th Sunday after Easter.