Come to the Table!

In today’s Gospel we pick up right where we left off last Sunday. It’s the next day and the crowd of thousands who had been fed with five loaves and two fish, are looking for Jesus. They know there was only one boat and they didn’t see him get into it. How did he get to the other side? Jesus, in typical fashion, answers their wondering with more food for reflection.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

The Abundance of God’s Love

In St. Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians that we heard today, Paul offers a prayer for the people. He prays that they may be rooted and grounded in love. And he also prays that they may know the height and length and breadth and depth of the love of God. A love that surpasses knowledge, Paul says. When people are filled with this love, he says that God, through us, can do infinitely more than we can ask for or imagine.

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Named and Claimed

We’ve got some great stories today. All of today’s Scripture is full of such good stuff. We have two miracles, two stories of healing. We have the beginning of a healing, then it is interrupted, and then it gets picked back up again. We have two very different characters, two different people coming before Jesus, and both of them are coming to Him seeking healing.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Sowing the Seeds of Love

We are to be sowers, all of us, scattering the seeds that come from our experience of God’s love for us. I love this image of us just going all around, here and there a seed, a kind word, a smile, a compassionate conversation, a very real help in a time of trouble, a shared experience of the divine, a powerful moment together.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

Genesis' Two Creation Stories

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

The Book of Genesis has two stories about the creation of the world. These stories are not meant to be science or history, but that doesn’t mean they don’t contain truth. They contain a lot of truth, really important truth that we need to remember: theological truths, moral truths, ontological truths, truth about who we are.

 Our first reading today comes from the second creation story. But before we talk about that, we need to talk about the first creation story because these two stories are in dialogue with each other. They are in conversation, and we can’t understand one if we don’t understand the other.

Living Our Faith in the Light

Ah, Nicodemus. Nicodemus was a leader of the Jews in Jerusalem. He was a teacher, a member of the Sanhedrin. He was also a Pharisee, so as such would have been part of the group who felt so threatened by Jesus’ increasing popularity that some of them set about plotting to have him arrested and executed, thus eliminating once and for all this troublesome rabble rouser from Galilee. But Nicodemus was different. While apparently maintaining appearances among his colleagues around the temple, Nicodemus was intrigued by what Jesus had to say.

Listen to or read Sharon’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

The Gift of the Holy Spirit

In our baptism we receive this amazing power of the Holy Spirit to guide, strengthen, and comfort us on this earth. Just like these first followers of Jesus on that first Pentecost, God and has sent us the gift of the Holy Spirit.

This gift that Jesus calls the Advocate, the Spirit who speaks for us and who champions our cause. The Spirit watches over, protects and comforts us.

Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon for Pentecost by clicking “Read More.”