
Gifts for the Common Good: Living Out Love

The third thing that Paul argues, and I think this is the most important one because it will lead us to that message of love. Paul says that every single gift we have has been given to us for the common good. These gifts we have been given are not just for us to enjoy for ourselves. You may take pleasure in the gift, but they are given to us for the other, for the community, for something bigger than ourselves, for something outside of ourselves.

Listen to or read Bingham’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”

The Generosity of God

“Every generous act of giving…every perfect gift, is from above, coming down from the Father or Mother of lights…” Every gift that we receive, every generous thing that we do for others, they all come from God.

Have you ever gotten’ or given’ the perfect gift? “Oh, wow! Thank you, it’s perfect! How did you know?”

Perfect for me or perfect for them, for this time, this occasion. And it’s not so much the thing we get or receive, but the attention that was paid to choosing it. The genuine care and listening, and the intimacy of the relationship that it demonstrates. A perfect gift, showing us how valued and loved we are. So it is with God. GOD IS GENEROSITY. Biblical scholar Peter Rhea Jones comments, “To be generous is consonant with the nature of God.” I am reminded of the Doxology, “Praise God from whom all blessings flow, praise God all creatures here below, praise God above ye heavenly host, praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”

We sing out our praise, recognizing what we proclaim when we receive the gifts at the altar, “All things come of thee O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.”

Every generous act of giving, every perfect gift come from God, in fact, they ARE God.

To read or listen to Ryan’s entire sermon for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost click “Read More.”

Join the Magi

“The Magi are on the move. Today is the 10th day of Christmas, and the Magi continue their journey to Bethlehem. In my creche collection that I told you about and shared with you on Christmas Eve, about 15 of them include Magi. The Magi spend most of the Advent and Christmas seasons journeying around the house, searching for their respective creche scenes in the living room. A few of the toy ones peel off from the caravan from time to time, but most of them stay together as a group. There are a dozen groups right here on my bookshelf. They have made quite the detour to join us for today’s sermon. The Magi will return to their appropriate creches on Wednesday, January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany, the day we commemorate and celebrate their arrival. Our American tradition is that the stockings and the presents come on Christmas Day from Santa. But that is not a worldwide phenomenon, even among Christians.”

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bingham’s entire sermon for the Second Sunday after Christmas.

Gifts Accepted and Given

Today’s reading from Isaiah speaks of rejoicing. The reading is taken from two consecutive chapters. If you don’t have the text in front of you, it’s hard for you to realize that, just from hearing the reading. In Chapter 61, verses 10 and 11, Isaiah rejoices in the Lord, for the Lord has clothed him with garments of salvation and the robe of righteousness, like a bridegroom decked with garlands or a bride adorned with jewels. A garden springs up, and praise springs up from the nations. The Word of God, Jesus, is like those gifts, as fine as jewels, as fine as a beautiful garden, and worthy of our praise and rejoicing. We can acknowledge with gratitude that we have been given a wonderful gift from God. End of Chapter 61.

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Deacon Nancy Crawford’s entire sermon.

Wise Men

It is 5:00 in the morning. The house is quiet and cold on this winter morning and you hear the rain outside falling on the pavement and the trees.

You have been startled awake by a vivid and very strange dream. You toss in your bed for a bit, but sleep eludes you and the dream haunts you. Perhaps by going over it in your mind, you’ll be able to go back to sleep.