wise men

The Gift of Seeking: Becoming One of the Magi

In today’s Gospel story we heard the story of the Magi, or the Three Kings or Three Wisemen. We know very little about these three Magi, and I mean very little. The Church of England commissioned a report about twenty years ago, and it concluded we know so little about them that we don’t even know if there were three of them. We don’t know if they were kings. We don’t know if they were wise. We don’t even know that they were men. We know almost nothing about these folks.

What do we know about them?

Find out by listening to or reading Bingham’s sermon. Click “Read More.”

Join the Magi

“The Magi are on the move. Today is the 10th day of Christmas, and the Magi continue their journey to Bethlehem. In my creche collection that I told you about and shared with you on Christmas Eve, about 15 of them include Magi. The Magi spend most of the Advent and Christmas seasons journeying around the house, searching for their respective creche scenes in the living room. A few of the toy ones peel off from the caravan from time to time, but most of them stay together as a group. There are a dozen groups right here on my bookshelf. They have made quite the detour to join us for today’s sermon. The Magi will return to their appropriate creches on Wednesday, January 6th, the Feast of the Epiphany, the day we commemorate and celebrate their arrival. Our American tradition is that the stockings and the presents come on Christmas Day from Santa. But that is not a worldwide phenomenon, even among Christians.”

Click “Read More” to read or listen to Bingham’s entire sermon for the Second Sunday after Christmas.

Wise Men

It is 5:00 in the morning. The house is quiet and cold on this winter morning and you hear the rain outside falling on the pavement and the trees.

You have been startled awake by a vivid and very strange dream. You toss in your bed for a bit, but sleep eludes you and the dream haunts you. Perhaps by going over it in your mind, you’ll be able to go back to sleep.