
The Gift of Seeking: Becoming One of the Magi

In today’s Gospel story we heard the story of the Magi, or the Three Kings or Three Wisemen. We know very little about these three Magi, and I mean very little. The Church of England commissioned a report about twenty years ago, and it concluded we know so little about them that we don’t even know if there were three of them. We don’t know if they were kings. We don’t know if they were wise. We don’t even know that they were men. We know almost nothing about these folks.

What do we know about them?

Find out by listening to or reading Bingham’s sermon. Click “Read More.”

Easter Vigil: Rejoice Now!

Easter Vigil:  Rejoice Now!

Like the people gathered around a campfire, we heard this story tonight around this flame. But unlike the campfire of our childhood, they are not ghost stories, although the story about Ezekiel and the dry bones might have felt a bit like one. But rather, these are sacred stories, our sacred story, stories about liberation and love and life.