Merry Christmas to you all! We did it! We’re here! What a lovely night, what a special occasion to come together with family and friends to hear the story told once again, to listen to the readings from scripture and sing the Christmas carols. Welcome, welcome, one and all. It is a joy to be together with you this night, THE NIGHT, the night when we recognize and remember the coming into the world of a little baby born in Bethlehem. The angels brought the good news to shepherds watching over their flocks in the field by night, and this good news echoes throughout time to us on this night.
Doubting with Mary
Happy 4th Sunday of Advent to you! ¡Feliz cuarto domingo de Adviento a ustedes! I read that that this happens once every seven years. Fourth Sunday of Advent on Christmas Eve. Acabo de aprender que esto ocurre cada siete años. El curato domingo de adviento Y día de Nochebuena. Así que, ya CASI estamos a Navidad, ¡pero todavía no! So we are ALMOST to Christmas, but not quite there yet!
Read Ryan’s entire sermon for the 4th Sunday of Advent by clicking “Read More.”
Gentle Power
Comfort, O comfort my people. YES please! What a time, what a need for comfort we all have in our world today. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, the prophet Isaiah says. Speak tenderly to these United States and to this world we live in as we approach the new year, two thousand twenty-four. Cry to her that her time of suffering, pain, and violence have been served, the penalty paid, enough. Enough bad news, devastation and despair. We’ve already had a double portion. Into this darkness and pain a voice cries out:
Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”
Comfort and Hope - The Goal of Scripture
Are We There Yet?
In Jesus’ time, wedding guests would gather at the home of the bride to be entertained while everyone waited for the groom to arrive. When the bridegroom was close, the bridesmaids and the guests would go out to greet him. And with their lamps lit, they would form a procession to the groom’s house for the ceremony and the multiple day feast!
Listen to or read Ryan’s entire sermon by clicking “Read More.”
The Feast of All Saints and the Masks We Wear
Masks can conceal, masks can reveal, and masks can transform. Today we are celebrating the Feast of All Saints when we remember all the saints. When we think about the saints, we normally think about them as amazing super Christians, that they are extra righteous and good and perfect. And I promise you they are not. If you read their histories, not their hagiographies, you will discover they are folks just like you and me, with all their quirks and foibles, all of their errors and yes, sins. What makes the saints different, I think, is
Read Bingham’s entire reflection on All Saints by clicking “Read More.”